Saturday, May 7, 2011

What if...

What if certain dreams, ideas, and parts of our imagination are all connections to a past life...
Having a random conversation yesterday with a co worker, whom I just like to play devils advocate with, we started talking about dreams and I told her that this idea might not be so far fetched!  I mean dreams and certain things are totally unexplainable by science and some have no coherent interweaving with our life so who knows...  
I believe in God and an afterlife but I can not say for certain what that afterlife will be like because as far as I know it's been 2000+ years since the last person came back from the grave and gave us a clear idea of what happens next.  I'm sure I would be cursed and stoned to claim myself a believer yet have such a far fetched idea, but when I truly reached an understanding and acceptance of God I admitted to myself that I will never know or understand how or why things work the way they do.  To claim you know something like that for a fact would be ignorant in my opinion because in all of God's complexity I highly doubt their is anything we truly understand.  That is my random thought for the day, go ponder it!

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