Sunday, July 31, 2011

Holding a Breath of Relief

It was a mixed emotion night.  I have been so wrapped up in school this summer I have barely seen any of my friends or even left the house besides work and school.  Tonight I finally relaxed and spent the day and night just sitting around talking to my friends.  It was refreshing just sitting on the back porch having some Even Williams and talking about music, religion, memories, and all the things that make friends friends.  While the night was some sort of relief it made me realize how I have neglected some things.

I have concentrated on school so much for the last couple of years that I often find myself neglecting those around me because I simply feel I don't have the energy to pass around.  My social life is severely lacking and it is no ones fault but my own.  I have become a recluse over the last 4 or 5 years and find myself dreading social situations.  I have a handful of very close friends that I spend my time with and of course my family, but I feel that I am neglecting part of my youth by not going out and exploring this thing they call social interaction.  Perhaps it is not a bad thing because most of my friends are the same way, but are we missing out on an important mile stone in life?  I've always heard college is the time to branch out and be a little crazy, but I've just never really felt like that.  To me college has been the time to study, study, work, study, and in between that keep up with my already close relationships.

I realize I am young and have my whole life ahead of me, but I feel like I am missing out on the opportunities to go out and meet new people, go on dates, and take a hold of the world!  Maybe it's just Hollywood that teaches me these things, but I can't help but question some of my decisions.

I would really like to start trying to make more of an effort by maybe just studying at a coffee shop instead of my low lighted room, or maybe just saying hello to someone I don't know occasionally.  This is much easier said than done for me because I am a little anti social to say the least and just have the underlying fear that I am going to be embarrassed or fail miserably at something I am completely unaware of.  Oh the trials and errors of growing up can be so complex and overwhelming.  I can't wait to look back on these never ending days.


  1. The job, yes blame the job, anyplace that forces your to participate in "cult-ish" motivational activities is sure to make you avoid social settings.

  2. That's very true. It's leaning more from "cult-ish" and becoming vaguely similar to a Nazi regime as well. As of last week we had our speaking privileges taken away so that can not be helping any of my situations either.
